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8544: View Skar through the telestone.
Used by the routines at Game_Main and Offer_Handle.
Skar_View 8544 LD HL,Skar_ShowCount
8547 LD A,$3C
8549 CP (HL)
854A JR NZ,Skar_View_0
854C DEC (HL)
854D LD HL,Room_CurrentType
8550 LD DE,$BCB4
8553 LD BC,$0018
8556 LDIR
8558 LD HL,$B94A
855B LD DE,Coords_NS
855E LD BC,$0004
8561 LDIR
8563 LD A,$01
8565 CALL CurrentRoomType_CopyDataStruct
8568 LD A,($B95D)
856B LD (Room_CurrentIndex),A
856E LD A,($B947)
8571 XOR $01
8573 LD (Camera_Compass),A
8576 CALL Path_Find
8579 LD A,$08
857B LD (CurrentRoom_AreaColour),A
857E CALL Bg_DrawAll
8581 CALL Stage_AreaColour
8584 XOR A
8585 JP Stage_Draw_0
Skar_View_0 8588 DEC (HL)
8589 JP NZ,Stage_Draw
858C LD HL,$BCB4
858F LD DE,Room_CurrentType
8592 LD BC,$0018
8595 LDIR
8597 LD A,(Room_CurrentType)
859A CALL CurrentRoomType_CopyDataStruct
859D JP Room_Initialise
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