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9641: Adds a torch to the current background.
Used by the routine at Bg_CalcAndDraw.
Bg_TorchAdd 9641 PUSH IX
9643 CALL LinkList_CreateNewBg Create a new data node in IX, copying torch info into it.
9646 JR Z,Bg_TorchAdd_0 End if no more nodes left.
9648 LD HL,(_9689_coordsA) Store some coords.
964C LD (IX+$05),L
964F LD (IX+$06),H
9652 LD (IX+$07),L
9655 LD (IX+$08),H
9658 LD HL,Bg_TorchBlitFlame Store address of related function to object being stored in node. In this case the blitting of the flame.
965B LD (IX+$03),L
965E LD (IX+$04),H
9661 LD A,$A2 Index for fire bitmap.
9663 LD (IX+$02),A
9666 LD (IX+$0B),A
9669 LD A,(Camera_Compass) Store compass in object.
966C LD (IX+$0A),A
Bg_TorchAdd_0 966F POP IX
9671 JP Bg_BlitItemColumn Blit the actual torch.
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