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8695: Table of pointers for storing exit copies.
This data holds pointers of positions within a room's description string.
Each pointer allows doors to be added or removed based on the current room.
If an exit does not exist, then the data here represents the previous room entered. That way the door can be removed and the room cleaned up.
See code @ 87B0 for usage.
The pointers are as follows:
Pointer to memory to store all of exit data into for exits leading to outside.
Pointer of description string to store room index for which the exit leads to.
Pointer of description string to place door bitmap index.
Pointers for north exit.
Exits_StoreTable 8695 DEFW Exit_ExternalSouth
8697 DEFW _b1de_background_door
8699 DEFW BgStr_b3d0_door
Pointers for east exit.
869B DEFW Exit_ExternalWest
Exit_EastDescrPtr 869D DEFW b208_background_roomIndex Points to exit data for setting room that exit leads to.
869F DEFW BgStr_b41f_door
Pointers for south exit.
86A1 DEFW Exit_ExternalNorth
86A3 DEFW _b1f0_background_roomIndex
Room_DoorInsertTbl 86A5 DEFW BgStr_b4fd_door
Pointers for west exit.
86A7 DEFW Exit_ExternalEast
Exit_WestDescrPtr 86A9 DEFW _b218_background_roomIndex
86AB DEFW BgStr_b455_door
These table of pointers describe where in the background strings doors can be inserted.
By default all the basic rooms have no doors when being drawn.
However once entered the descriptions have doors inserted to match the exits in the data.
86AD DEFW b208_background_roomIndex Room Type 1
86AF DEFW BgStr_b41f_door
86B1 DEFW _b218_background_roomIndex
86B3 DEFW BgStr_b455_door
86B5 DEFW b208_background_roomIndex Room Type 2
86B7 DEFW BgStr_b41f_door
86B9 DEFW _b218_background_roomIndex
86BB DEFW BgStr_b455_door
86BD DEFW _b230_background_roomIndex Room Type 3
86BF DEFW BgStr_b483_door
86C1 DEFW _b23a_door
86C3 DEFW BgStr_b40f
86C5 DEFW $B252 Room Type 4
86C7 DEFW $B51F
86C9 DEFW $B25C
86CD DEFW $B274 Room Type 5
86D1 DEFW _b23a_door
86D3 DEFW BgStr_b40f
86D5 DEFW $B28C Room Type 6
86D7 DEFW $B4F3
86D9 DEFW $B25C
86DD DEFW $B2A4 Room Type 7
86E1 DEFW _b23a_door
86E3 DEFW BgStr_b40f
86E5 DEFW $B2BC Room Type 8
86E9 DEFW $B25C
86ED DEFW _b230_background_roomIndex Room Type 9
86EF DEFW BgStr_b483_door
86F1 DEFW _b218_background_roomIndex
86F3 DEFW BgStr_b455_door
86F5 DEFW $B2BC Room Type A
86F9 DEFW $B25C
86FD DEFW _b230_background_roomIndex Room Type B
86FF DEFW BgStr_b483_door
8701 DEFW _b23a_door
8703 DEFW BgStr_b40f
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