Prev: B53D Up: Map Next: B945
B5C4: Rooms : Main Data.
[01] Outside info.
Room_MainData B5C4 DEFB $1E Size of data in bytes (including this one).
B5C5 DEFB $0F [Room type (0), Exit mask (F)]
Exit_ExternalNorth B5C6 DEFB $00,$00,$01 [Door type, type (0) (7 bytes)]
B5C9 DEFW $0000
B5CB DEFW $0000
Exit_ExternalEast B5CD DEFB $00,$00,$01
B5D0 DEFW $0000
B5D2 DEFW $0000
Exit_ExternalSouth B5D4 DEFB $00,$00,$01 Details for north exit leaving room.
B5D7 DEFW $0000 Position of hero when last outside.
B5D9 DEFW $0000
Exit_ExternalWest B5DB DEFB $00,$00,$01
B5DE DEFW $0000
B5E0 DEFW $0000
[02] Castle (Inner)
B5E2 DEFB $0F Size of data in bytes.
B5E3 DEFB $85 [Room type, Exits ( _ S _ N )]
B5E4 DEFB $30 Background colour attribute.
B5E5 DEFW Message_Teth Message "Teth is jailer."
B5E7 DEFB $10 North [Door 1, Exit type 0 (7 bytes)]
B5E8 DEFB $00 No Key
B5E9 DEFB $01
B5EA DEFW $02BC Map position after exit.
B5EC DEFW $0605
B5EE DEFB $11 South [Door 1, type 1 (3 bytes)]
B5EF DEFB $27 Object index for key [D Key]
B5F0 DEFB $4E Goes to room 4E
[03] Marsh gate
B5F1 DEFB $05
B5F2 DEFB $80,$08 [Inner, no exits, Blue
B5F4 DEFW Message_NoExit
B5F6 DEFB $10,$0A,$00,$00,$01,$C5,$03,$5C [03]
B5FE DEFB $03,$00,$00,$01,$37,$03,$3C,$05
[05] Deposit, 1 Mead Square
B606 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$62,$00 [Deposit, no exits, Cyan, 'B', no object]
Broker, 2 Mead Square
B60B DEFB $07,$20,$18,$19,$50,$07,$5E [06] Relic 750ir Remnent
B612 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$00,$00 [07]
B617 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$6C,$00 [08]
Broker, 1 Long Lane.
B61C DEFB $07,$20,$18,$0A,$00,$02,$39 [09]
Deposit, 3 Long Lane.
B623 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$00,$00 [10]
B628 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$09,$00,$04 [11]
B62E DEFB $06,$10,$20,$04,$00,$03 [12]
B634 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$63,$00 [13]
B639 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$05,$00,$02 [14]
B63F DEFB $06,$10,$20,$07,$00,$01 [15]
B645 DEFB $07,$20,$18,$06,$00,$02,$3A [16]
B64C DEFB $06,$10,$20,$02,$00,$15 [17]
[18] Grocer, 14 Market Street
B652 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$0B,$50,$01 [6, Seller, no exits, Green, pepper, 150ir]
[19] Apothecary, 12 Market Steet
B658 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$0C,$00,$04 [6, Seller, no exit, Green, Hemlock, 400ir]
[20, Gallery, Herne Hill]
1 Herne Hill.
B65E DEFB $11 Number of bytes in data.
B65F DEFB $70 Gallery
B660 DEFB $38 White background.
B661 DEFB $00 Plinth, Where to place the object for matching.
B662 DEFB $20 Index of reward object (Brooch)
B663 DEFB $44 Arrow character displayed in picture.
B664 DEFB $0E Object (Arrow) required.
B665 DEFB $7D 'tick' character used when correct object placed.
B666 DEFB $43 '+z' character.
B667 DEFB $11 Object (Adze) required.
B668 DEFB $7D
B669 DEFB $42 'o' character.
B66A DEFB $17 Object (Hoe) required.
B66C DEFB $41 'eye' character.
B66D DEFB $07 Object (needle) required.
[21] Fletcher, 4 King Street
B66F DEFB $06,$10,$38,$0E,$50,$01 [6, Seller, no exits, White, arrow, 150ir]
Vintner, 1 King Street
B675 DEFB $06,$10,$38,$06,$50,$01 [6, Seller, no exits, White, wine, 150ir]
Archivist, 2 King Street
B67B DEFB $06,$10,$30,$0F,$00,$07 [6, Seller, no exits, Yellow, book, 700ir]
Swordsmith, 26 Oak Road
B681 DEFB $06,$10,$30,$10,$00,$05 [6, Seller, no exits, Yellow, Foil, 500ir]
Carpenter, 27 Oak Road
B687 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$11,$00,$03 [6, Seller, no exits, Green, Adze, 300ir]
28 Oak Road
B68D DEFB $05,$30,$18,$73,$00 [5, Deposit, no exits, Magenta, 's', empty]
Salter, 29 Oak Road
B692 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$12,$50,$01 [6, Seller, no exits, Green, drysalt, 150ir]
4 Herne Hill
B698 DEFB $11,$70,$38,$00,$21,$40,$38,$7D
B6A0 DEFB $3F,$05,$7D,$3E,$08,$7D,$3D,$0C
2 The Parade
B6A9 DEFB $05,$30,$30,$79,$00 [5, Deposit, no exits, Yellow, 'y', empty]
Farmer, 4 the Parade
B6AE DEFB $06,$10,$18,$17,$50,$02 [6, Seller, no exits, Magenta, Hoe, 250ir]
Mercer, 5 The Parade
B6B4 DEFB $06,$10,$20,$0A,$50,$01 [6, Seller, no exits, Green, Swatch, 150ir]
B6BA DEFB $06,$10,$18,$1B,$00,$01
B6C0 DEFB $06,$10,$38,$15,$00,$02
B6C6 DEFB $07,$20,$18,$03,$00,$08,$38
B6CD DEFB $05,$30,$20,$63,$00
B6D2 DEFB $07,$20,$30,$0B,$00,$02,$3B
B6D9 DEFB $11,$70,$38,$00,$1E,$50,$1B,$7D
B6E1 DEFB $4F,$1A,$7D,$4E,$13,$7D,$4D,$10
B6EA DEFB $05,$30,$30,$6F,$00
Room [Temple, Midir]
B6EF DEFB $0A Size
B6F0 DEFB $60 [Shield room, no exits]
B6F1 DEFB $20 Green background.
B6F2 DEFB $00 Plinth, nothing.
B6F3 DEFB $26 D Key, prize.
B6F4 DEFB $4C 'M' shield icon in picture as clue.
B6F5 DEFB $22 'M' shield object expected.
B6F6 DEFM "key" Displayed when shield dropped.
B6F9 DEFB $05,$30,$18,$75,$00
B6FE DEFB $05,$30,$30,$74,$00
B703 DEFB $22,$5F,$30,$00,$00,$00,$10,$00
B70B DEFB $01,$1C,$07,$A1,$04,$10,$00,$01
B713 DEFB $5D,$07,$EC,$04,$10,$00,$01,$BC
B71B DEFB $07,$AB,$04,$10,$00,$01,$7B,$07
B723 DEFB $4C,$04,$06,$10,$20,$03,$00,$06
Argot Bank.
B72B DEFB $20,$9F,$30,$00,$10,$00,$01,$DC
B733 DEFB $05,$FD,$02,$10,$00,$01,$1D,$06
B73B DEFB $5C,$03,$10,$00,$01,$7C,$06,$1B
B743 DEFB $03,$10,$00,$01,$27,$06,$BC,$02
B74B DEFB $05,$30,$20,$69,$00,$06,$10,$38
B753 DEFB $1A,$00,$02,$0D,$AA,$20,$31,$00
B75B DEFB $2F,$10,$00,$01,$27,$06,$5C,$03
Portal, 2 Herne Hill
B763 DEFB $0D Size of data
B764 DEFB $AA [Room type A, Exits A (1010 => W, E)]
B765 DEFB $38 <DATA>
B766 DEFB $31 [3 => Portal door, 1 => Internal exit]
The following is copied into room sub-strings to set up exits.
B767 DEFB $00,$30 [ , Room index exit goes to, ,]
B769 DEFB $10,$00,$01,$43,$04,$BC,$02,$0D [1 => Basic door, 0 => External exit]
B771 DEFB $AA,$18,$31,$00,$31,$10,$00,$01
B779 DEFB $87,$05,$6C,$07,$0D,$AA,$30,$31
B781 DEFB $00,$2E,$10,$00,$01,$57,$08,$8C
B789 DEFB $05,$05,$30,$30,$65,$00,$10,$16
B791 DEFB $38,$38,$00,$04,$21,$37,$68,$10
B799 DEFB $00,$01,$BC,$07,$D3,$05,$0A,$60
B7A1 DEFB $30,$00,$00,$4B,$23,$7C,$7E,$7C
B7A9 DEFB $06,$10,$18,$19,$00,$05,$05,$30
B7B1 DEFB $38,$74,$00,$07,$31,$20,$00,$18
B7B9 DEFB $12,$26,$05,$30,$18,$61,$00
Room [ , Ladyos]
B7C0 DEFB $07,$84,$10,$4C,$B5
B7C5 DEFB $12
B7C6 DEFB $31 Key $31 (spell "show the lady")
B7C7 DEFB $05,$30,$38,$73,$00,$11,$70,$30
B7CF DEFB $00,$1F,$48,$15,$7D,$47,$04,$7D
B7D7 DEFB $46,$12,$7D,$45,$09,$7D,$06,$10
B7DF DEFB $20,$2B,$00,$20,$05,$30,$18,$00
B7E7 DEFB $00,$05,$30,$38,$65,$00,$07,$34
B7EF DEFB $20,$00,$24,$12,$2C,$05,$30,$18
B7F7 DEFB $00,$00
Room [ ,Thieves Guild]
B7F9 DEFB $06,$10,$30,$14,$41,$00
B7FF DEFB $06,$10,$38,$37,$41,$00,$09,$08
B807 DEFB $30,$00,$01,$70,$03,$CC,$06,$09
B80F DEFB $08,$30,$00,$01,$30,$02,$AC,$08
B817 DEFB $09,$08,$30,$00,$01,$30,$02,$FC
B81F DEFB $08,$09,$08,$30,$00,$01,$30,$02
B827 DEFB $4C,$09,$09,$08,$30,$00,$01,$30
B82F DEFB $02,$9C,$09,$09,$08,$30,$00,$01
B837 DEFB $30,$02,$EC,$09,$09,$08,$30,$00
B83F DEFB $01,$30,$02,$3C,$0A,$09,$08,$30
B847 DEFB $00,$01,$30,$02,$8C,$0A,$0B,$8C
B84F DEFB $30,$57,$B5,$11,$33,$4D,$11,$00
B857 DEFB $4C
[4C] Castle inner room
B858 DEFB $0F
B859 DEFB $8A,$30 Message room, [W-E-], Yellow
B85B DEFB $58,$B5
B85D DEFB $10,$00 Exit E; External, no key
B85F DEFW $3001
B861 DEFW $5C02
B863 DEFW $1108
B864 DEFB $11,$00,$4E Exit W; Internal, no key, room $4E
B867 DEFB $12,$43,$30,$00,$3A,$3B,$6F,$61
B86F DEFB $6B,$61,$74,$78,$11,$33,$4B,$11
B877 DEFB $00,$4F
[4E] Castle, inner room with combination lock.
B879 DEFB $15 Size
B87A DEFB $47 [Type(4), Exits(-SEN)]
B87B DEFB $20 Green background
B87C DEFB $00,$39,$00 Objects slot for locks. (nothing, scrip, nothing)
B87F DEFB $64,$70,$65 Combination lock, key letters (D P E)
B882 DEFB $61,$74,$78 Combination lock letters, current
B885 DEFB $11,$27,$01 Exit; Internal, D-Key, room $01
B888 DEFB $11,$00,$4C Exit; Internal, no key, room $4C
B88B DEFB $31,$00,$69 Exit; Tunnel, no-key, room $69
B88E DEFB $0F,$8C,$20,$79,$B5,$10,$3B,$01
B896 DEFB $4C,$04,$40,$06,$11,$00,$4D,$05
B89E DEFB $30,$20,$68,$00,$06,$10,$38,$13
B8A6 DEFB $50,$01,$05,$30,$38,$6B,$00
Secret room [rats hole, ]
B8AE DEFB $80,$08 message, no exits, blue
B8B0 DEFW Message_DarachDown
B8B2 DEFB $07,$81,$00,$AF,$B5,$12,$3B,$06
B8BA DEFB $10,$20,$1D,$00,$10,$05,$30,$18
B8C2 DEFB $6E,$00,$05,$30,$30,$00,$00,$06
B8CA DEFB $10,$30,$08,$00,$01,$05,$30,$20
B8D2 DEFB $72,$00,$07,$38,$20,$00,$3C,$12
B8DA DEFB $29,$05,$30,$38,$6D,$00,$05,$30
B8E2 DEFB $18,$69,$00,$0A,$60,$30,$00,$00
B8EA DEFB $49,$25,$7C,$3C,$7C,$06,$10,$20
B8F2 DEFB $31,$00,$10
Secret room, Park Row.
B8F5 DEFB $05 Size
B8F6 DEFB $80,$20 Message, no exit data, green
B8F8 DEFW $B557 message
29 Park Row
B8FB DEFB $30,$30 Deposit, no exit data, yellow
B8FD DEFB $74,$00 't', no object
[$61] Strong room, 1 North Wall.
B8FF DEFB $05 Size
B900 DEFB $B0,$20 Deposit, no exit data,green
B902 DEFB $00,$32 no clue, pearl
Gallery, north wall.
B904 DEFB $06 Size
B905 DEFB $10 [Seller, blank exit mask]
B906 DEFB $18 Magenta background
B907 DEFB $28,$00,$06 rat statues, 600 ir.
85 Leaf lane.
B90A DEFB $05,$30,$30,$65,$00
86 Leaf Lane.
B90F DEFB $05,$30,$38,$79,$00
59 West Wall
Deposit, 59 West Wall
B914 DEFB $05
B915 DEFB $30 [Deposit, no exits]
B916 DEFB $20,$70,$00 Green, 'p', no object
B919 DEFB $05,$30,$18,$00,$00,$0A,$60,$20
B921 DEFB $00,$00,$4A,$24,$7C,$50,$7C,$08
B929 DEFB $38,$10,$00,$25,$11,$37,$33
[69] Castle, inner deposit room
B930 DEFB $0B Size
B931 DEFB $33,$18 Deposit, [--EN], purple
B933 DEFB $00,$00 no clue, no object
B935 DEFB $31,$00,$4E Exit; Internal, tunnel, no key, room $4e
B938 DEFB $31,$00,$6A Exit; Internal, tunnel, no key, room $6a
[6A] Castle, inner deposit
B93B DEFB $08
B93C DEFB $38,$10 Deposit, [W---], Red
B93E DEFB $00,$00 no clue, no object
B940 DEFB $31,$00,$69 Exit; Internal, tunnel, no key, room $69
B943 DEFB $00,$00
Prev: B53D Up: Map Next: B945