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8705: Positions used to locate person when goin through an exit, based on compass direction.
Exit_coords 8705 DEFW $00C8 North exit position.
8707 DEFW $0073
8709 DEFW $00A5 East exit position.
870B DEFW $0080
870D DEFW $0068 South exit position.
870F DEFW $0075
8711 DEFW $00B9 West exit position.
8713 DEFW $0080
Each value marks a single exit and is used by rooms to create an exit for a room that doesn't have exits defined.
Exits_Predefined 8715 DEFB $04,$08,$01,$02 North, east, south, west.
Temp_RoomType 8719 DEFB $00
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